Friday, January 25, 2013

Whew - things are moving

We had our first coordinator meeting for Chicago.  Lots to discuss with the new venue.  But, that was last week.

This week I took a quick drive up to Chicago and met up with Adam.  We went over and emptied the storage unit into a trailer with some stuff going in Adam's SUV.  I brought the trailer back here to Indy with me.  It turns out, storage in Indy is a lot cheaper than Chicago.  Since we are using the stanchions at Brickworld Indy this year, it made sense to store them here.

We got the on line sales link set up for Brickworld Indy.  Now it is time to get the word out and get some tickets sold.  We have an ad coming out in Reach Magazine.  It will go to 500,000 households in the area.  Hopefully we get some turnout from this.  We are generating coupon codes for the on line ticket sales that will give us a good idea how people are hearing about the event.  In the past, we ask when you walk in the door and then try to tally it all up.  Automation is good  :)

I need to get the Brickworld Indy layout done too.  But, that comes after running by little fighting robots at a Pinewood Derby tomorrow.

Registration for Chicago hit 200 this week.  But, we are running behind last year's numbers.  Register early and don't forget your hotel room.  Unlike the Westin, there are not any reserve rooms that are empty in the hotel to increase the size of our room block.  So, when they are gone, they are gone.

While I have only gained 30 followers on the blog over the last year, I am okay with where I am at.  I hope you find my posts interesting at least.


  1. How are the workshops for Chicago coming? Maybe that's why people have not registered yet - just a thought.

  2. Beth - thanks - that is a good piece of feedback. Looking at it a little more globally, maybe we simply need to get more event details in general posted. Although, we have never had too much detail out at this point. For example, workshops and presentations don't get announced until April or May. We haven't even put out a call for people to volunteer to do them yet. Happily, I have heard from some people wanting to do presentations already.
