Monday, January 23, 2012

Registering Early Helps + more

So, Kathie is spending many hours right now entering invoices into Quickbooks.  Since each registration payment is a separate invoice, they stack up fast.  So, the more people that register early, the sooner Kathie has that work out of the way and she can focus more effort on making sure everything is perfect to the last detail when you arrive at the Westin.

Now, if I could only figure out how to do a poll on whether Adam should have the mo-hawk again this year at Brickworld.

One thing that we have been re-architecting about the event in Chicago this year is the use of the River Ballroom.  Nobody seems happy when they are placed there.  So, we are considering several alternatives.  This is a tough one because of the inherent space constraints at the Westin.


  1. I thought having the vendors grouped there last year worked pretty well. Obviously Ravinia is always where the action is, but I felt like River had pretty good traffic.

  2. Please remind me, which is the River Ballroom? I've been at the event the last three years, but I can never remember which room is which.

  3. Thanks David...I can't say whether your view is the majority or minority. I only know that we want everyone to feel great about their experience. So, we are making changes to hopefully continue in that direction.

    The hotel layout can be found at

    ...scroll down to see the map. River is in the Southeast corner of the hotel. It is where the vendors were last year.
